Commitment Ceremonies
Access Civil Ceremonies Supports Marriage Equality
Commitment Ceremonies are performed when two people choose not to officially marry or who are not permitted by law to marry.
Couples who are not yet divorced, are of mixed faith may choose to have a Civil Celebrant provide a meaningful and memorable Ceremony that is a reflection of their individual situation and personal desires.
A Civil Celebrant will work closely with you to choose the words, music and vows that have a particular significance to you and your life partner.
Civil Celebrants will generally go anywhere that you wish to hold your special ceremony.
Some choose to have a Civil Commitment Ceremony to commemorate their love relationship. It is a liberating experience to stand before friends and family and declare their love for each other and their intention to spend the rest of their lives together.
A celebration party or family dinner usually follows and an anniversary date is known and can be celebrated each year from there on.
A commitment ceremony can be modern, traditional or theme based. Your unique ceremony can be as brief as 15 minutes up to an hour or more.
Your life Celebrant at Access Civil Ceremonies will work closely with you to design your unique, meaningful and memorable ceremony.
Why not arrange a time to meet and talk with me I will be very happy to answer any questions you might have. I can promise you something very special. 0401 275 678.