A Marriage Ceremony The Legals with Roslyn McFarlane
The Legals
Getting married in Australia is a legal process - Marriage Equality became law in December 2017
The parties to the marriage must be;
Over the age of 18
Not married to anyone else
Not be in a prohibited relationship. i.e a close relative
Must provide proof of Name & Date and Place of Birth
Must provide proof of Death, Divorce or Annulment if previously married.
Must complete the Notice of Intent to Marry (NOIM) and lodge it with a Celebrant at least one month and not more than 18 months before the proposed wedding date
The NOIM must be signed and witnessed by an appropriate person.
The Declaration of No Impediment must be signed before the marriage takes place.
There must be 2 witnesses who are over the age of 18 and who speak and understand English present at the marriage ceremony.
If either party to the marriage, or their witnesses do not speak or understand English an Interpreter is required.
Every Celebrant must comply with "The Australian Marriage Act 1961."
Every Marriage Celebrant must be registered with the Federal Attorney Generals Department. WWW.AG.GOV.AU/MARRIAGE
There is a complete list of every registered Celebrant available on that website with their classification. E.g Religious or Civil.
There are four categories of Celebrant.
Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants. Commonly called Civil Celebrants who are self-employed.
Commonwealth-registered religious marriage celebrants.-- Civil Celebrants who are exempt from performing Same Sex marriages on the grounds of Religious values
Ministers of religion who are from a recognised denomination.- Not every Minister or Priest is Authorised to Solemnise a marriage
State and territory officers.- Celebrants employed by State Registry offices and Courts.
A Commonwealth (Civil) Marriage Celebrant must conduct the marriage ceremony in accordance with The Marriage Act which requires that the Monitum must be spoken by the Celebrant at every Marriage for it to be Valid. Penalties will apply for non-compliance.
The Monitum: "I am duly authorized by law to solemnize marriages according to law."
"Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter."
"Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life."; (or words to that affect)
The couple must say Legal Vows:
"I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, A.B. (or C.D.), take thee, C.D. (or A.B.), to be my lawful wedded wife (or husband, or spouse). (or words to that affect)
Your Celebrant is obliged to provide you with the Form 15 Marriage certificate on the day of the marriage.
Your Celebrant must lodge the Marriage documents with the State Births, Deaths and Marriages Office within fourteen days of the marriage being solemnized.
Your Celebrant may request the official Registered Marriage Certificate on your behalf from BDM after the documents have been submitted
As long as all of the above requirements have been met, the couple are legally married. They may choose to add anything else to create their marriage ceremony.
I can promise you something very special.
Please call me, I will be very happy to answer any questions you may have 0401 275 678.
It is YOUR DAY, It is about YOUR LOVE and YOUR WISHES.
At Access Civil Ceremonies we strive to make it happen YOUR WAY!
At Access Civil Ceremonies it really is the little things that count.
We want your day to be special and we do not cut corners.
We make it Special.
Roslyn McFarlane